Restaurant Bar Design - Calgary Interiors

Restaurant Bar Design

If you are in the hospitality industry you understand the complexity and importance that goes into designing a space for your clientele.

You consider the atmosphere, the textures, the colours, the overall aesthetic and of course the furniture.

If your space is multifaceted like a restaurant, bar, hotel or event space you need to consider how the smaller pieces fit into the whole. How does each area represent the whole?

How does your bar design complement and impact your restaurant design?

Restaurant bar design is no different, and as a smaller piece of the overall restaurant, the bar needs to reflect the general aesthetic, but also have its own vibe.

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Restaurant Design or Redesign Begins with a Plan

You may think that this is just assumed, but so many spaces have clearly either deviated from their plan or didn’t have a clear plan in the first place.

So what goes into making a good plan?

  • Good planning means that you are aware of the exceptions and limitation of your space. You know the best features, you know the leverage points, and you also know what areas need the most work.
  • Atmosphere. What does it feel like in your restauant? What is the lighting, what is the music, who are the people that come, what are there tastes? Getting answers to these questions will get you headed in the right direction.
  • Location. When we start a project we do a significant amount of research into two things that matter most when it comes to success of the design. The first is the location of space itself, who are the people from this location that we are targetting, and what do they like?
  • The second thing is the offering. This is the product, what is it that people are coming to get. We need to marry the people with the offering, and the design is what does that.

Successful Bar and Restaurant Design Elements

A restaurant bar has a couple of very important design elements that can make or break the consumer’s experience while they are there.

The idea that people just come for fun is vastly understating how important the design, atmosphere and experience are for people.

Remember it’s not about the first visit…its about people coming back, telling their friends, and bringing others to your spot.


We have talked about this already, but it bears repeating because it is the most important thing. The atmosphere isn’t always measurable, and you can’t often explain the subcomponents of it effectively but everyone knows the difference between a great atmosphere and a bad one.

At Calgary Interiors when it comes to the hospitality industry, design, furniture and function we take a lot of time to make sure we have established the type of atmosphere that is trying to be achieved.

These discussions are critical to the development of the design and the function of the furniture.

What will it feel like when people come into your space? What do you want them to experience?

restaurant design and fabric texture elements


Comfort in a restaurant bar can have multiple aspects to it. Each of these parts has to be evaluated in order to give a customer the best experience.

Hospitality environments are designed to create an experience for people, and that experience is best received in a comfortable space.

It doesn’t need to be all encompassing, your interior design just needs to convey your brand’s message and provide a comfortable space to enjoy the experience.

People who come into a food service location want the feeling of being taken care of, they want to feel relaxed and they want to enjoy their time. In order to accomplish this, a bar needs to be good at a few different things.

  • Good service. This is without question the hardest part and the most important part after the design. Your employees, your managers and your service people need to be on point. Trainig, good hiring, good firing and excellent preparation are key to delivering the best service. Make people feel welcome, make people feel wanted.
  • Good Food. This is largely dependant on the type of space, the cook and the menu but good food is important becuase it adds to the feeling of being served.
    • Even if your cusine is only simple cusines in comparison to fancy stuff, make it the best, and make is complaint free.
  • Good Experience. From the moment a person parks their car to the moment they leave the experience has to be good. Everything needs to be taken care of. This becomes more true as the average bill goes up. People have expectations, and the more they pay the more they will expect.

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Communication and Honesty

Although this doesn’t really have much to do with the design of a place it will have a significant impact on the experience that people have in your space and will impact your bottom line.

If you make a mistake, own it.

There is no better advice.

Step in, communicate, be honest and fix it.

You are in the business of serving people.


Listen we get it, you want to get as many people into your space as possible because more tables mean more money. We recommend however that you really think about the flow of people throughout the space, and how people will navigate entry, exit, bathrooms and interactions.

Especially in a bar setting, people are less likely to remain seated for the whole time that they are in your space.

They are more likely to get up, interact with other people, use the washroom and move about the space.

Your design needs to help make this process as easy as possible, while still allowing you to maximize your square footage.

Mid century modern hospitality at leading edge

Best Restaurant Bar Furniture Pieces

Commercial Bar Stools

Commercial bar stools are typically a little different than your kitchen stools, or breakfast nook stools. They may look the same and function the same but they are designed a little differently and often make use of different fabrics for commercial purposes.

Great commercial bar stools are comfortable, stylish and save space.

Each of these elements is important for customer satisfaction and retention. When designing your space make sure you consider these.

How long are people going to be sitting on the stools?

Do they save space or take up space with legs that are too wide?

Does the fabric texture reflect the atmosphere?

Bar Chairs and Booths

Calgary Interiors is a booth specialist. We love creating booths and working with designers to create booths that build an atmosphere, allow for a great lounge experience, and are easy to manage.

Restaurant furniture design ideas come and go, but the booth remains a constant functioning piece of the puzzle.

A booth can be just a booth, or you can plan your design to incorporate the booth as a part of it.

Bridgette Bar
Lulu Bar

Calgary Interiors Loves Restaurant Bar Design

Looking for a unique and edgy restaurant bar design? Look no further!

Calgary Interiors has the perfect design to make your restaurant bar stand out from the rest. With our trendy and chic designs, you’ll be sure to turn heads when guests walk into your establishment.

A well-designed restaurant bar can really set the tone for your entire business. Let Calgary Interiors help you create an unforgettable space that will have guests coming back for more.

Contact us today for a free consultation! We can’t wait to hear about your vision for your restaurant bar.